•Bring vacant buildings into use.
•Improve damaged buildings.
•Introduce new places to eat and visit.
•Cater for different cultural needs.
The plan below shows the uses, key agencies ownership and regeneration projects on Commercial Road and Alexandra Road. The main points identified by the analysis are summarised below:
The retail front on Commercial Road is broken up by blocks of residential use of varying quality and styles.
The retail uses on the street reflects everyday convenience and foundational uses.
Many of the residential properties are owned by Newport City Homes, POBL, Linc and Melin, which are key local organisations working with the local community.
Alexandra Road is mostly residential street. This might inhibit pedestrian movement through Commercial Road and Alexandra Road from the city centre and Transporter Bridge.
Religious Institutes have a prominent position on both streets, are typically of good quality and character, and contribute positively to the street scene.
On the whole vacancy rates appear low, but there are a number of traditional retail units that are vacant or under utilised and in a derelict state. In the stage one engagement, the community reported high rents and commercial rates as preventing local people starting businesses.
There are a series of vacant, or under-utilised, commercial properties along Commercial Road and Alexandra Road. These buildings detract from the appearance of the area.
Quality and state of the building stock varies across the area, with example of good as well as very poor facade and shop frontages.