Pillgwenlly Masterplan
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About the Masterplan
The Masterplan is a new physical plan for Pill that is to be prepared together by the local community that live and work there and with the anchor agencies that operate there. The Masterplan is due to be completed by the end of the year.
An update report on progress to date is HERE.
Why Prepare a Masterplan?
The Masterplan is being prepared to improve the physical state of Pill and to improve coordination and collaboration among the community and the anchor agencies. It provides an opportunity to bring everyone together and deliver change.
The Community
The community's view and vision is at the heart of the Masterplan development. Over the past seven months there have been many conversations with diverse members of the community which has helped shape the plans you can see today.
How the Masterplan will be Prepared
The Masterplan will be prepared collaboratively by the local community and the agencies that work in Pill and are part of the One Newport Partnership. The community will set the priorities for Pill and guide the agencies to use their resources, influence and expertise in the right way.
How the Masterplan will be Delivered
There is not yet funding in place for the ideas that will be included in the Masterplan. However, as part of the Masterplan team there are industry experts that will look at the costings, feasibility and deliverability of key ideas put forward by the community. This work will be used to apply for funding to deliver the ideas.
Do you have any comments, click HERE to leave them
Consultation Reports
There have been many consultations with residents and children in Pillgwenlly, here are some of the reports of what YOU said was important or desirable to you.
In 2023, Pobl commissioned Play Wales to carry out an audit of play within
Pillgwenlly. This was done with the support of local partners and the local community.
To read the audit click HERE .
Have your say, click HERE to let us know what you think of these plans.
Further consultation coming soon.
Masterplan Themes
Following the initial engagement in the community, the feedback was brought together into the
Key Masterplan Themes.
Find out more and leave your feedback by clicking on the images below.
The community engagement identified three main operational issues that were of concern to residents: fly-tipping, over-crowding in housing and crime and safety. To respond to the above, workstreams involving a range of agencies are to take immediate action. The proposed improvements will be communicated to the wider community with the aim that the delivery will help to support the physical projects delivered by the Pill Masterplan.
Masterplan Ideas
Through the engagement with the community, we have also identified initial ideas for the Pill Masterplan to deliver. These are summarised in the Masterplan visual below.
Click HERE to let us know your thoughts on the Commercial Road Priorities
Click HERE to let us know your thoughts on the Green Spaces Priorities
Click HERE to let us know your thoughts on the Alexandra Road Priorities
Initial Ideas
To help show how some of the ideas might look, a series of artists impressions have been created. These are for illustrative purposes only and comment by the community and are not set projects. The design of the ideas in the Masterplan will be progressed further with the community as funding is secured.
These are for illustrative purposes only and to collect comments from the community, they are not set projects.
Next Steps
The Pill Community Masterplan report has been prepared for the Pill community to summarise the Masterplan work that has been undertaken to date, and explain the next stages of the Masterplan preparation.
Next Steps are as follows:
Community Workshops to test Masterplan Themes
Progress the Pill Masterplan
Community Events to refine the Masterplan
Draft of the Masterplan
Final Engagement